NCC Grime Remover – Heavy Duty - Buy Now
NCC Grime Remover is an intensive paving surface cleaner for all types of dirt and grime removal. This has been specially developed with NCC and is designed specifically for exterior use on all types of natural stone, reconstituted stone and concrete paving, including limestone, sandstone, granite and slate, plus all types of concrete surfaces and blocks, clay bricks, as well as external porcelain & ceramic / quarry tiles. In fact, NCC Grime Remover is an effective cleaner for most hard landscaping and many different types of garden and exterior structures, garden furniture and play equipment etc.
Due to its unique and specialist formulation, the NCC Grime Remover is extremely effective at removing oils and grease, as well as many different forms of ingrained dirt, grime and common domestic household stains on patios, terraces and driveways, as well as for commercial and retail areas such as around food courts for example.
NCC Grime Remover is ideal for cleaning existing paved surfaces that have lost their 'sparkle' and need bringing back to their natural beauty before repointing (e.g. with GftK’s vdw paving joint mortars) and before sealing and protecting the surfaces against future water ingress, staining and dirt build-up (e.g. with GftK’s vdw 950 and/or NCC Stone Sealers).
Characteristics / Advantages
- Cost effective
- Fast acting
- Stain removal power includes for: Oil, Grease and Dirt
- Suitable for all types of natural stone
- Suitable for concrete and reconstituted stone, porcelain & ceramics
- Suitable for clay bricks and terracotta pavers
- Suitable for cleaning garden furniture & timber structures

NCC Grime Remover is a powerful and highly effective cleaner for many different types of paved areas and hard landscaping surfaces, as well as for adjacent walls and garden structures, as well as for many other substrates including timber and plastic garden furniture and play equipment etc.
NCC Grime Remover is also ideal for the initial cleaning of newly installed paving surfaces to remove ‘construction marks’ and dirt before pointing / grouting.
Application - Directions for use:
Surface cleaning for absorbent and dense paving: Dilute the NCC Grime Remover as supplied by 1:10 parts by volume with warm water and stir, then immediately apply the solution across the surfaces, using a sturdy standard floor mop is usually the easiest and best for this. Keep the surfaces wet with this solution, allow the material to react for a few minutes (5 to 10 mins.) and then remove with the same mop and rinse with clean water.
For severe areas of staining and more severe cases increase the concentration of the solution and the dilution can be reduced as far as 1 to 3 with warm water, and this will usually shift most things dirt and grime! Apply liberally, spreading over larger areas and surfaces of the paving by roller, brush or spray. For these areas it can be helpful to agitate the material on the surface, working the solution into the stains in these areas with a stiff brush. Repeat and leave this to react for a further period of 5-10 minutes where required, ensuring that the surfaces are kept wet with the solution throughout, and by applying more as required. Then finally agitate the surface with a stiff brush again and remove / sponge / mop-up and finally rinse thoroughly with clean water.
In extremely severe cases the NCC Grime Remover can be used undiluted and the surface can also be agitated with mechanical scrubbers if required. This is useful and sometimes necessary to include as part of the cleaning regime for good hygiene around food retail and commercial facilities, where surface sealing would obviously also be a good idea.
Following the cleaning process, any cleaning solution remaining on the paved surfaces should be completely removed by mopping / sponging with clean water. Always make sure to give the surface a third final rinse with clean water to remove any residual materials.

Important note: We always advise that paving cleaners are tested on an inconspicuous area before undertaking the overall cleaning application. Additionally, with any cleaning products in your garden, it is important to also mask and protect any adjacent painted surfaces, untreated wood and any other sensitive areas and planting. Rinse off any spillages or over-spray immediately.
If you need further advice or assistance with paving cleaning and sealing, you can check out the relevant pages of this website, plus you can call our team for specific advice on your project during normal office hours on: 01257 266696 - You can also email us at any time to and attach any pictures if you think this might help explain your requirements for us to give you the best and most appropriate advice - we will get back to you just as soon as possible.