Highways & Town Centres - Online Shop
The paving joints in highways and town centre roads and pavements, together with those in many other public access paved areas, such as around public transport hubs , all have critical requirements for durable long-term performance in service. If their potential for high durability with good aesthetic appearance is to be maintained without frequent repairs and replacement works, then the Paving Joint Mortars used must be fully resistant to all the different types of traffic loadings and exposure that is anticipated.
In different areas, traffic loadings are obviously variable according to the areas usage and environment, meaning this can vary from pedestrian only areas, through cycles, to cars, including so called ‘sport-utility’ 4 x 4’s, plus the whole range of buses and public service vehicles, as well as the full range and scale of delivery trucks and vans. These include heavy delivery vehicles that can carry up to 40 tonne loads as articulated trucks, such as brewery drays for cask and keg deliveries to venues in town centres, including through older and smaller streets and squares. Many of these town centre roads, pavements and paved areas around public service centre are highly likely to be treated with de-icing salts in winter, and so the paving joint materials must also be fully resistant to these, and the accelerated freeze-thaw reactions they create on the surfaces. The paving joint materials must also be fully resistant to the heavy bristle brushing actions combined with high-pressure, and sometime high temperature, water jet cleaning by mechanical road sweeping machines. Unless we are very early-risers we may not see these often or even realise that they exist, but these highly efficient and effective machines are regularly used in the early hours to keep our town centre as clean and hygienic as possible, despite their heavy use and aggressive exposure.
The unique GftK range of vdw paving jointing mortars is ideally suited for town centre pavements, especially for the frequently problematic refurbishment and repointing of these important and traditionally paved areas. Importantly, during the application and installation of these paving jointing mortars for repointing works in busy high street’s and shopping areas that are still open to the public, there is no dust as the GftK paving joint mortars are wet slurry applied into the joints, with no need to ensure there is no residual water in the joints that is always a big problem for repointing with cement based mortars that have to maintain their mix ratio or will crack and brake down later. This can proceed really fast – Repoint without delays whatever the weather with GftK solutions!
NCC Streetscape has the ideal GftK paving joint mortar for every town centre, road and pavement jointing requirement for both new paving and / repointing.
See the Paving Jointing Products page of this website for a helpful guide to the right town centre paving jointing product selection, or call us on 01257 266696 for Expert assistance with your specific project’s requirements.
For additional information on Paving Cleaners , Paving Sealers or Jointing Sand Stabilisers and other specialised Additional Paving Products for town centre paving works please visit the relevant pages of this website. Alternatively please email or call 01257 266696 for specific expert advice on your town centre or highways paving project.
For examples of Town Centre and Street Work paving jointing projects recently completed by our customers throughout the UK, please visit the Case Studies pages of this website, where you can view or download many different town centres, highways and street paving jointing project case studies in PDF format.