External Porcelain Tile Paving - Online Shop
Porcelain Tile Paving Joining Made Easy!
GftK’s Paving Joint Mortars Make Porcelain Paving:
Easier - Faster - Better!
The unique GftK paving joint mortars for porcelain are mixed in the pails as supplied, poured onto the pre-wetted porcelain surface, and then ergonomically applied standing-up, using wet-slurry techniques with a squeegee and more water. They flow easily across the porcelain surfaces and effectively self-compact into the joints - You can’t use too much water at this time! - After a few minutes, any excess mortar is easily removed with a soft coconut fibre brush, and with a final rinse, the job is done!
With GftK’s 2-part epoxy resin mortars for porcelain jointing there is:
- No waiting for the bedding mortar to fully cure
- No waiting for the weather after rain or when rain is forecast
- No measuring of water or components on site
- No water addition to the mix
- No worry or concerns over residual water in joints
- Fast ergonomic application standing-up
- No waiting to clean up
- No washboy
- No cement mortar haze or efflorescence!

GftK’s 2-part, epoxy resin based paving joint mortars are fast and easy to install, including in cold and wet weather conditions. They produce a sheen and stain free, porcelain surface with shrink-free joints that are also highly durable. Also importantly, the whole paved surface can be jet washed as often as required to clean and maintain your new porcelain paving in pristine condition!
As the exclusive UK Agents Distributers of GftK Paving joint systems, from NCC Streetscape you also get FREE Estimating Support & Application Training Both Online and Onsite - All Around the UK.
Porcelain Paving Jointing – Using GftK's vdw 815+ and vdw 850+
GftK's vdw 815 and 850 Paving Joint Mortars are unique, 2-component, epoxy resin based, materials that is designed for durable sealing of narrow joints, making it ideal for grouting porcelain paving with joint widths from their recommended minimum joint width of 3mm. The recommended joint width for larger, large format external porcelain tiles (>600mm x 600, with 900mm x 600mm now not uncommon), is now increasingly more like 5/6mm or more, which is to allow increased volume of material in the joints to accommodate thermal movement in service, and of course to make laying these larger slabs easier and help to avoid edge issues. When preparing to grout newly laid porcelain, once the tiles are firmly bonded in position and the substructure, bedding, and bonding bridge layers of the build-up, have sufficiently hydrated to be strong enough to walk and work on, the surface must always be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed with clean water. This is also an opportune time to protect the pristine new porcelain surfaces against staining and resides from building works and future service. This is done by applying NCC Porcelain Tile Protector and allowing this to dry, prior to the grouting operation. As the video shows, mix the 2-components of the GftK vdw 815+ together thoroughly until the mix is fully homogeneous, which should be for around 3 minutes. Pre-wet the paving and then pour out the vdw 815+ as shown, using more water to help it flow into the joints, you can't use too much water at this time. Continue moving the mortar with a rubber squeegee as it effectively self-compacts into the joints. Once filed leave for a few minutes and then use a wet coconut brush to remove any excess, using more water in a fine wide spray as required to remove any residual material and clean the surface. Job done!
This materials technology, and these specific high-performance paving jointing products are designed to be extremely durable and resistant for the long-term, just like good external porcelain tile paving. As mentioned earlier with regard to natural stone paving jointing, why would you want to invest in expensive, high performance, top of the range, external porcelain tiles – and then point them with an internal bathroom grout, or a one-part jointing compound that is primarily stocked by merchants because it is cheap, or even with a cement based grout that is going to be difficult to clean from Day-1, immediately after application, and which will have inadequate flexural tensile strengths and adhesive bond properties in service. Cement based mortars also have limited adhesion to smooth dense surfaces, such as porcelain.....So why would you risk it......?
This is in addition to ALL these commonplace air-drying, 1-part, and cement bases paving jointing / pointing materials being very difficult to clean-off and remove residual binder film or cement haze from the finished porcelain surfaces – Why would you ever even want to do that….?!?

For more details and information about all aspects of porcelain, porcelain tile paving and porcelain tile jointing, you can also checkout our Porcelain FAQS pages from the drop down on your left.
To help ensure success with your project, on the Case Studies & Video Application Guides page of this website there is a recent Project Case Study and Application Guide for grouting external porcelain tile paving joints with vdw 815+, plus pre-sealing the tiles with NCC Porcelain Protector. This video is also available to view on the NCC Streetscape YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2exywKqYN0k&t=19s
Call NCC Streetscape and, use the GftK vdw 815+ or GftK vdw 850+ solutions to get it right first time - and for the long term!
For more advice or assistance with your specific porcelain tile paving project:
- To Select the best jointing product use our Product Section Guide.
- To Estimate the quantity of material required use our Paving Joint Consumption Calculator.
You can also email us for more specific support: sales@nccstreetscape.co.uk and you can call our Customer service team during normal office hours, on 01257 266696 for FREE Expert Advice.