Paving Jointing Technologies - Online Shop
Historically in the UK, during the last 30-40 years there have been many different paving jointing technologies introduced and heavily promoted, as well as different methods and techniques for installing them. The original paving jointing materials were historically lime-based mortars, but these were largely replaced by cement-based (OPC) mortars, primarily for H&S rand easier handling reasons, as well as their slow-hardening, limited strengths and poor resistance to traffic and de-icing salts / freeze-thaw actions on the paved surfaces in winter. Over the last few decades, there has been an explosion in domestic paving for patios, driveways and parking areas, with a corresponding increase in the number of landscape and paving contractors, general builders laying patios and DIY paving enthusiasts. The most recent explosion in domestic paving came with the covid lockdowns, a lot of ‘paving specialists’ appeared, and shall we just say that their ‘learning curves’ are still being addressed, which is why we also have special pages regarding Paving Repointing, as this also has important considerations for selecting the right paving joint technology for successful paving repointing, for both domestic and commercial / public authority areas. Please read these pages if you are considering paving repointing works, it may well save you time and money!

Paving Joint Technologies for Different Types and Sizes of Paving
In terms of paving jointing materials, there has also been an explosion in the number of paving jointing products and brands on the market and which are promoted to the trade and the public in DIY outlets. Today, there is a bewildering number of paving jointing products available from every Builders Merchant, Stone Merchant, Garden Centre, DIY Superstore and local Hardware Store, as well as the ever-increasing number of ‘paving specialists’ and building materials websites online, so we must strongly state ‘Buyer Beware!’ This website is designed to give you the necessary information to make the best decisions and select the most appropriate paving jointing technology, product, and application method for your paving project. – For new paving, and/or paving repointing works.
However, fortunately in this respect, the basic technologies for paving jointing today are somewhat limited, and the plethora of different brands and products all fall into three main material technologies, which can be summarised as follows:
Paving Jointing Material Technologies in the UK
One-part, vacuum-packed, air-drying, Patio Grout by GftK
Professional tools & equipment for cement mortar – GftK vdw 400plus
Original, 2-part, epoxy resin mortar – GftK vdw 800
2nd generation, 2-part, epoxy resin mortar – GftK vdw 850+
There are now three main types of material technologies that are used for paving jointing in the UK, and these are all supplied pre-packed, and either ready-to-use and as supplied (e.g., 1-part, air-drying products), or prebatched and ready-to-mix (e.g., 2-part, epoxy resin-based products, both 1st- and 2nd- generation), or prebatched and ready to be added to a measured quantity of water to mix (cement-based, wet-slurry applied products).e.g.
These different paving jointing materials technologies are therefore:
- Cement-based, wet-slurry applied, paving jointing mortars (supplied as prebatched powders in bags, ready to add to a measured quantity of clean water for mixing on site).
- One-part, air-drying, polymeric sand-based, paving jointing compounds (supplied completely prebatched and prebagged, in vacuum-sealed bags in tubs, ready-to-use directly from the bag).
- Two-part, epoxy resin-based, paving jointing products: 1st-generation (supplied as 2 or 3 prebatched components – resin, hardener + sand/filler component, or as resin coated sand + hardener, to be added to a measured quantity of water and mixed on site). Alternatively, 2nd-generation epoxy (supplied completely prebatched as resin coated sand and hardener, ready to mix on site, with no additional water or sand required for total control).
In the respective pages for each of these paving jointing material technologies, there is a summary of their key characteristics and properties, their performance in application and service, plus their limitations, advantages and disadvantages, to consider in making the right selection for your paving projects.
For more advice on any paving jointing technologies, or assistance with your specific paving jointing project, please call 01257 266696 to speak to our experts, or you can email us at: for FREE Expert Advice.