First-generation Epoxy Resin-based - Online Shop
The ‘1st-Generation’ of Epoxy Resin-based Paving Jointing Mortars were first introduced as a huge innovation by GftK GmbH, more than 40 years ago in Germany, then nearly 20 years ago in the UK with NCC Streetscape. Thee (2/3-part solvent-free resin + sand)This conventional type of epoxy resin paving joint mortar has been around for many years in industrial floor and concrete repairs, but they should not be confused with the latest paving joint technology, using epoxy resin coated and bound, graded alluvial sand products - such as the GftK range of paving joint materials.
Traditional 2-part epoxy resin-based mortars are usually solvent free resin with sands, though some are filled water-based (dispersed) resins, which are now sometimes proposed as paving joint products, are very closely related to the epoxy resin repair and patching products that are used for resin floor repairs, coving and screeds, as well as for concrete patch repairs. Indeed, they are so similar that for some materials the only difference we can find is the marketing text…..!

August-2007 – The first major use in the UK for GftK’s 1st-generation, 2-part, epoxy resin-based, paving joint mortars (Newark Market Square)
This is not a totally disparaging comment as these 2-part, epoxy resin mortars are ideal for many of their resin flooring and concrete repair purposes, particularly making good areas of damage and producing high strength wearing surfaces, primarily because of their very high compressive strengths and rapid hardening, as well as their low permeability and good chemical and abrasion resistance. However, for use as paving joint mortars these are also their specific performance properties that can provide some disadvantages, including the significant dust that is generated from the fine sand ‘flour’ rather than graded aggregates that are used and released in the mixing process, their high compressive strength is also not at all appropriate for most sandstone and some limestone paving (means that the paving is weakest point rather than joints for stress relief etc.). Plus the high compressive strengths make this type of epoxy resin mortars brittle, in the same way as cement mortars, despite also having high tensile strengths, because they are filled with a high ratio of sands, which reduce cost, but which therefore reduce flexural movement possibilities with a low modulus of elasticity etc..
Unfortunately, the highly filled nature also reduces the epoxy resin mortars potential bond to the joint sides, which is why in most resin flooring and concrete repair applications, they are used with a primer to improve this bond, but clearly this is not practical in paving jointing applications. Notwithstanding all these negative factors, there are still several resin manufacturers that produce and market this type of product for use as paving jointing, though without any technical focus. These are easily recognised, as they are always supplied as 3-component products, with the epoxy resin base (often called Part-A), the epoxy resin hardener (often called Part-B, which are supplied in sealed tins or bottles, which are to be premixed together before being added to a bag of fine sand (usually called Part-C).
In the NCC group of companies, we also have specialists working in resin flooring and concrete repairs, which is why we fully understand this technology and products, - But for paving jointing works, new and refurbishment or repointing, our focussed paving jointing company, NCC Streetscape Limited., strongly recommends the use of the unique GftK technology with higher performance, 2-part, epoxy resin bound, graded pre-coated sand paving jointing products. This is because of their excellent performance all round in the key criteria with far greater bond, greater mechanical strengths and tensile / elastic recovery correlation, for high durability and longer service in use.
First major project with the GftK mortars, applied in August 2007
Easy mixing of the 2-components with water and absolutely no dust – ideal for site operatives and working with adjacent public-access areas
Pouring out the homogeneously mixed, 1st-Generation, 2-part, jointing mortar directly on to the prewetted paved surface
Wet-slurry application of the 1st-Generation, 2-part, jointing mortar, by squeegee, across the prewetted surface into the joints
Brushing-off any final residue, to complete application of the 1st-Generation, 2-part, epoxy jointing mortar
Close-up brushing off any final residue of the GftK jointing mortar from the stone surfaces
Overview of the completed project in September 2007
New section of Porphyry paving replacement, with inset logo created in the stones, completed with GftK epoxy jointing
Close-up of the completed paving jointing in September 2007
This first project using GftK epoxy joint mortar - Revisited after 14 years:
Newark Market Square porphyry paving repointing and replacement jointing completed with GftK’s 2-part, epoxy resin-based, paving jointing mortar, revisited after exactly 14 years in service – The verdict: “Excellent, high-performance jointing with high durability in this very busy, heavily trafficked and exposed public space”
GftK vdw 800GftK vdw 800 was the first of these materials and is still the Best-in-Class on the UK market, with many copies, but not many equals due to the continual development and granulometry of this product. Tested and proven in practice on successful and highly durably public, commercial and domestic projects all over Europe for 40+ years, and on projects all around the UK since 2007. Follow this link to the GftK vdw 800 Product Page for full detailed information.
GftK vdw 855GftK vdw 855 is a grade of the 1-st-Generation, 2-part, epoxy resin-based, paving joint mortar, specifically developed to accommodate the heaviest vehicle loading areas of small format paving i.e. paving units less than around 300mm x 300mm, and nominally , at least 150mm deep on a suitable foundation and sub-structure, such as in frequent heavy articulated traffic and/or specialist heavy vehicles zones of highways, plus loading / unloading bays, and heavy vehicle hard standing and maintenance areas. Follow this link to the GftK vdw 855 Product Page for full detailed information.
GftK 525 / 825 Tree Pit ResinTree Pit- surfacing systems are becoming increasingly important today. This is because of the increased focus on ‘greening’ the urban environment and reducing the ‘heat-island’ effect in our towns and cities, where more tree planting is being encouraged along our roadways and pavements as well as in other pedestrianised areas. These planting areas need to retain the soil and protect the surface from excess compaction, or gouging and erosion by traffic, as well as providing a highly porous and permeable surface to allow good drainage for rainwater into the ground to support the tree growth.
Application / Installation of highly permeable GftK 525/825 resin-based Tree Pit Systems and Tree Pit edgings
Selecting the Right Paving Jointing Materials Technology & Product
As outlined above and on the other pages of this website, there is no universal paving jointing materials technology and no universal paving jointing product. The right paving jointing for your project depends on the key criteria and your specific requirements.
We have produced a Paving Jointing Project Checklist, which is designed to help you identify and confirm all the relevant selection criteria for each project, in terms of the type and size of area, paving, joints, the site for installation and the required exposure and performance in service, durability, cleaning regime, plus the ease of closure and ease of eventual repointing.
We have also produced the GftK Paving Jointing Product Selection Guide that you can use this with the Checklist for each project, to ensure you consider all revenant criteria and select the most appropriate paving jointing solution. Always be sure to consider ALL the key criteria and parameters for your paving project, to make the right technical and commercial decisions based on ALL the requirements.
For more advice or assistance with your specific paving project, please call 01257 266696 for FREE Expert Advice during normal office hours, or you can email us at any time to: and we will get back to you just as soon as we can. Thank you.