GftK’s vdw 850+ Epoxy Paving Joint Mortar - Buy Now
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GftK's vdw 850+ is a unique, Epoxy Paving Joint Mortar that is the global 'State-of-the-Art' for high performance and extremely durable paving joints for pedestrian and vehicular traffic areas, including for larger vehicles. GftK’s vdw 850+ is fully resistant to cleaning by high pressure water jetting and mechanical street cleaners, plus it is resistant to- and prevents weed growth through the sealed joints and it eliminates damage by boring insects such as ants. The advanced vdw 850+ is primarily applied by standing-up using wet-slurry techniques, which combines to be super-fast and brings paving jointing/grouting to a healthier and more ergonomic position than being on your hands and knees all day.
Characteristics / Advantages
- Fast and cost-effective jointing
- Clean, stain free surfaces
- Self-compacting
- Easy to use, ergonomic application
- Wet-slurry flow applied
- Can even be applied in the rain and at low temperatures
- Environmentally friendly
- Tough & abrasion resistant
- Highly frost and de-icing salt resistant
- Mechanical street cleaner & road sweeper resistant
- Minimises the risk of trips and falls
- Durable for a long service-life
- Ideal for natural stone, concrete and porcelain paving

GftK's vdw 850+ Paving Joint Mortar is the global 'State-of-the-Art' solution for high performance and extremely durable paving joints in many different areas. GftK’s vdw 850+ is a 2-component, self-compacting, epoxy resin pre-coated and bound, graded alluvial (rounded) quartz sand, paving joint mortar for pedestrian and vehicular traffic loads, including larger vehicles. When fully hardened it is fully resistant to cleaning with high pressure water jetting and even to mechanical street cleaners and sweepers. It is resistant to, and prevents weed growth and damage by boring insects such as ants etc. Also, importantly, GftK's vdw 850+ Paving Joint Mortar is also primarily applied standing-up, so bringing paving jointing and grouting to a new, more sustainable level, with application in a healthier and more ergonomic position than being on your hands and knees all day.
GftK's vdw 850+ Paving Joint Mortar / Grout is designed for extremely fast self-compacting application, with no delays and no additional waiting even during periods of continuously wet weather and at colder temperatures. This is because the material can be applied in the wet, even in the rain - and in cold (non-freezing) conditions, as it will continue to cure and more quickly when the temperature increases again above 8-10 °C.
A big advantage of GftK's vdw 850+ on UK paving projects is that its performance is not reduced by residual water and damp in the joints during application, unlike any form of traditional or prepacked cement based joint mortar which will shrink and then crack due to the change in water to cement ration. The vdw 850+ does not shrink due to its unique water dispersed epoxy resin bound sand formulation.
GftK's vdw 850+ is now the go-to ideal paving jointing mortar for use with natural stone, reconstituted stone and concrete block, slab and other paving surfaces, including porcelain tiles, on quality natural stone patios, terraces and driveways, paved roadways and pavements. These include stone paved highways surface protection areas at important road junctions and intersections or roundabouts, other areas in town centres, hard landscape surface paving around busy retail and commercial developments, plus for all sorts of other paved domestic, commercial and public areas of landscaping.
The mortar is supplied in 2-components including epoxy pre-coated sand to which the hardener is added and mixed to a fully homogeneous colour and consistence. The freshly mixed mortar is then easily and quickly applied using wet-slurry application techniques across the thoroughly pre-dampened / pre-wetted surfaces (i.e. pre-wetted using more water than for the well-known SSD – Saturated Surface Dry, a guide to surface conditions that is used elsewhere in construction). by rubber squeegee where it effectively self-compacts into the joints with the aid of more water from a hose. After an initial few minutes to allow any excess water to drain and the mortar to compact into the joints, the area is acleaned off and finished using a fine fan of water from a hose nozzle, with a soft coconut brush that is also cleaned frequently in clean water to remove any residue.
As GftK's vdw 850+ is applied to a pre-dampened surfaces it can be applied during wet weather, without waiting for the areas to dry after rainfall. The latest state-of-the-art vdw 850+ can even be applied in the pouring rain e.g. when needs must to finish a job and/or get paid! GftK's vdw 850+ is non staining during application on SSD surfaces and even on very sensitive stone surfaces, which can be maintained by pre-sealing with GftK’s vdw 950 3-in-1 impregnating sealer, which also then protects the finished paving against future water ingress, frost damage and staining.
GftK vdw 850+ reacts, cures, and hardens quickly to provide a tough and durable, good looking and aesthetically pleasing paved surface, with no shrinkage cracking (as applies to all cement based mortars), and which is then excellent in preventing weed growth and stopping boring insects. The hardened vdw 850+ paving joint mortar is also suitable for cleaning with high pressure water-jetting, even by mechanical street cleaners and sweepers, plus it is fully resistant to the freeze thaw reactions from exposure to de-icing salts.
GftK’s vdw 850+ Colours

Paving Joint Products - Consumption Calculator
GftK vdw 850+
Total Consumption (Kilograms)
Percentage of
Joint Area
Material Consumption
(kilos / square metre)
Volume Of Joint
(liters / square metre)
Units Required
(25 Kg)
GftK's vdw 850+ is quite simply the best paving jointing mortar on the market and the clear global paving joint technology leader - the NEW benchmark in high performance for paving joint mortars in the UK.
If you need further advice or assistance check out the additional support, documentation and consumption calculator on this website, or you can call our specialist team for any more specific advice on 01257 266696 out of hours you can email: and we will get back to you just as soon as possible.